Clarksdale Mississippi 1995- Draft history. Race in America. A piece from 1995 reported from the Mississippi Delta

Kabul to Kent Pt. 2- History on the move: the story of Ali, his two-year long journey from Afghanistan and his new life in the UK

From Kabul to Kent. History on the move: documentary about Ali, who left Afghanistan as 14 year old and snuck into Britain on a Eurotunnel freight train and today holds a masters in International Relations

History on the move: the story of Ali, his two-year long journey from Afghanistan and his new life in the UK

9/11 Live. On 9/11 FRDH host was presenting the NPR program The Connection as the twin towers came down. The Connection theme was a version of Herbie Hancock’s Cantaloupe Island.  The music was too jaunty and wasn’t used that day.  After the show went off the air the production team sat down to figure out what music was appropriate. On the tenth anniversary of the tragedy Goldfarb made this program, using extracts from the original broadcast, and continued that meditation: what music would have been appropriate?  How do you find the sounds to convey an epoch defining tragedy? Grief, heroism, rage and hope all need to figure. The finished program originally aired on BBC Radio 3 and won a New York World Radio Festival award.

Political History: Federalism beginning with the Act of Union between England and Scotland in 1707 through to the European Union.

Prayer For The Dead Pt. 2- Raw History recorded by me at Crematorium #2 at Auschwitz-Birkenau on 50th anniversary of the camp’s liberation for an NPR news piece.

Turning Point in History: Part 5 of my series on how the world dramatically changed in Autumn 1973. The photo is of Dodge Main plant in Hamtramck Michigan 8 years later.

Turning Point in History: How the Arab oil embargo caught the American and Uk governments by surprise and effectively ended the post-World War2 economic era of good feeling in under 10 weeks.

Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre was the hinge point of the Watergate scandal.  The words coup and Third Reich were thrown around. The events of that weekend in October 1973 marked the beginning of the end of Nixon’s Presidency.  Do they hold a lesson for today?  President Trump has started his term of office exercising power in a similar fashion.  His firing of the acting Attorney General Sally Yates has echoes of the Saturday Night Massacre.  Nixon said, “If the President does it, it’s not illegal.” Trump acts as if he thinks that is the way the world works.  But Nixon found out even his own Republican Party didn’t think that was true.  Will Trump?  This is an essay from my archive and it offers a chance to reflect on how American politics has changed in the more than four decades since the Watergate scandal.

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